A well organized School Management system helps run a school efficiently by way of:
Scheduling the yearly calendar and drafting holiday plans and vacation programs
Creating data likely to be shared across parents and teachers
Organizing annual events in a user-friendly format
Federal management and translucency of multi-language and multi-disciplinary schools
Timetables, Attendance records and scheduling events
Apart from the features listed above, many online school management solutions also offer a huge array of
benefits to the Management of the school itself. It easily allows the integration of the various campuses and
lends a tech-savvy image to the school. While all the processes become automated it also stores all
information centrally with zero redundancy. The feature of auto generation of time tables and schedules also
allows the dynamics of substituent and alternatives. It is also a cost effective solution to run the school
As for the interaction between parents and teachers, these online school management solutions prove highly
beneficial for both. Apart from creating regular interactions between the parents and the teachers, it makes the
child actively participate in all the school activities. An ever available report on the child's activities and
progress makes it easy for parents to focus on the weak areas. Home work can be easily tracked between the
teachers and the parents. A feature on regular updates about the school through the articles and discussion
forums reduces the gaps between the parents and the school.