North-East Orthopaedic & Trauma Hospital - The Best Orthopaedic Hospit - Bihar - Health services, beauty services, Bihar - 3173193


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North-East Orthopaedic & Trauma Hospital - The Best Orthopaedic Hospit - Health services, beauty services

Ref. number: 3173193 Updated: 27-11-2024 12:17

: Health services, beauty services in India, Bihar

Get the world-class orthopaedic care at our best orthopaedic hospital in Patna, North-East Orthopaedic & Trauma Hospital. Our orthopaedic specialists use the latest tools and equipment to treat your orthopaedic conditions. We offer 24/7 accidental & emergency care, trauma services, ambulance service & world-class treatment. Our dedicated team ensures personalized care tailored to your specific needs, providing the best possible outcomes. Trust us for advanced treatments and a compassionate approach to your recovery. Book an appointment today, and consult with the best orthopaedic hospital in Patna.

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Contact information
First name: North East Orthopedic
Last name: Truma Hospital
Phone number: 07488322087
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